Early Childhood Resources for Parents and Educators
Canadian Pediatric Association: Early Literacy Information and Resource
Children’s early experiences with books and reading help prepare them for school and set them up for success later in life. Exposing babies to books and reading increases vocabulary and makes it easier for them to learn to read later on. Just as important, sharing books provides babies and children with warm and nurturing interactions with the adults they care about. Early exposure to language—whether through books, words, or songs—can help prevent problems and promote health.
Screen-based media use in children
A recent publication from Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) on screen-based media use in children.
Meta-analysis on Psychosocial Effects of Parent-Child Reading
A recent publication on the benefits of reading with children on language, literacy, brain, and cognitive development.
KidCareCanada: ABC's for New Parents
This book presents the science of social and emotional development along with practical tips. It is ideal for expecting and new parents, parents of toddlers, caregivers and health professionals and educators who work with families. It was written in collaboration with the Health Authority and many early childhood experts, including four Indigenous early childhood specialists. The format is appealing, it looks like a children’s story book! Babies like looking at the images of real parents and babies, and the hard copy of this ABCs can also be used to support early literacy.
ABC's for New Parents (available as e-book and hard copy)
Montreal Children's Hospital: Early Literacy Resources
A collection of literacy resources for parents with children of all ages. Some of these have been translated to languages including Tamil, Urdu, Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, Brazilian, Haitian Creole, and Russian.
Decoda: LEAP BC™
A set of resources that promotes healthy child development and integrates Literacy, Education, Activity and Play, and is designed for families, caregivers and early learning practitioners who engage with young children.
Early literacy activity cards (activities for children ages 1-5)
Reading Success at Home [pdf]
Reach Out and Read
Giving young children a foundation for success.
How To Read to Your Child
How it helps your child feel calm and secure.
Talking is Teaching
Parents can help children building early literacy skills right from the start!
New resources for fun tips and ideas to make everyday moments opportunities to nurture growing readers and writers.
Vancouver Public Library
Storypark: E-books
A clip featuring Susan Rvachew of McGill University on introducing e-books to preschoolers.
General Early Childhood development
Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development
Succinct summaries of the current science on different aspects of early childhood development up to age 5.
Communication Milestones in the Early Years
A collection of handouts detailing expected communication milestones and read aloud tips developed through a collaboration between the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) and Read Aloud.
Communication Milestones (birth to age 5)
Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development
The most up-to-date scientific knowledge on early childhood development, from conception to age five.
The Psychology Foundation of Canada
Simple tools and strategies parents can use to help children handle stress effectively
Reading Aloud, Play, and Social-Emotional Development
A recent article published by the AAP which investigates the effect of promoting reading aloud and play in pediatric primary care on social-emotional development.